You do not need to be a club member to attend beginners’ sessions. They are open to both non-members and members. To progress from Beginners’ sessions to Saturday Intermediate sessions, you must achieve the appropriate accreditation from your Beginners’ sessions and purchase first-claim membership in Eastlands Velo or Sportcity Velo.
New Memberships

To become a new member, pay your subscription fees through the British Cycling website. When you join through British Cycling, please ensure that you fill in a paper membership form at your next training session, so that we capture essential membership details.
Join ESV Manchester via British Cycling here

You will also need to register with the National Cycling Centre to ride the track – there is no charge for this ( – choose ‘HSBC UK National Cycling Centre’ for ‘My Home Centre’) – join here
Pay your subscription fees through the British Cycling website on the links above. By renewing, you agree to abide by the terms in the Rider Information sheet and the Code of Conduct. Please notify us if any of your details (contact information, medical issues etc.) have changed since your last subscription.