Club Constitution
The overarching club shall be called “Eastlands Velo” (‘The Club’). ‘
The Club’ shall consist of two distinct operational sections known as Eastlands Velo and Sportcity Velo. Eastlands Velo shall be registered as a Go-Ride Club with British Cycling.
The aims and objectives of ‘The Club’ will be:
- To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in cycling.
- To promote the club within the local community and cycling.
- To manage the club facilities and resources for the benefit of members.
- To ensure the wellbeing and safeguarding of all members of the club.
- To support the cycling development programmes of Manchester City Council, British Cycling and any other organisations whose aims are compatible with ‘The Club’.
- To ensure that ‘The Club’ operates in a fair, equitable and inclusive manner at all times.
Sports Equity
- ‘The Club’ is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In doing so it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity:
Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.
- ‘The Club’ respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.
- ‘The Club’ is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.
- All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.
- ‘The Club’ will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to club disciplinary procedures.
- Membership of the club is open to anyone interested in promoting, coaching, volunteering or participating in cycling, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
- Membership will consist of officers and members of the club.
- All members will be subject to the regulations of ‘The Club’ and, upon joining ‘The Club’, members will be deemed to accept these regulations and any appropriate codes of conduct that ‘The Club’ has adopted.
- Members who are not “First Claim” (either Eastlands Velo or Sportcity Velo registered with British Cycling as their primary club) shall not have the right to ride any velodrome sessions with the club.
- Membership fees will be set annually and agreed by the committee.
- Membership Fees shall be due on 1st January annually and must be paid no later than 31st January.
- Membership will be terminated by:-
- failure to pay the annual membership subscription by the due date
- termination in accordance with ‘The Club’ Complaints and Disciplinary policy.
Officers of the club will be:
Club Chairman Deputy Welfare Officer
Club Vice Chairman Racing Co-Ordinator
Club Secretary Parent Representative
Club Treasurer Asset Manager
Head Coach Rider Representative (two appointments)
Race Coach Website Manager
Membership Secretary
Welfare Officer
- Officers will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. If any vacancies occur during the year, the Management Committee will make an interim appointment to fill the Vacancy. Any interim appointment will be subject to re-election at the next Annual General Meeting.
- All officers will retire each year, but will be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Rider Representatives will be members of the club who are at least 14 years old and are activelyinvolved in the clubs riding and racing activities.
- The Management Committee may propose the appointment of a Club President and Club Vice Presidents. All such nominations shall be approved at a General Meeting.
- The Club Secretary will maintain a brief job description of each of the Officers Roles and Responsibilities.
The Head Coach will maintain a list of all active coaches together with details of their qualifications.
The club will be managed through the Management Committee consisting of all officers of the club as detailed above and the Club President (if appointed).
The Management Committee will be convened by the Secretary of the club and held no less than four times per year. Dates of management committee meetings to be published annually shortly after the Annual General Meeting. Additional Management Committee meetings may be convened by the Club Secretary as required to deal with urgent matters. At least 7 days notice shall be given to all committee members by e-mail.
- The Management Committee will appoint a Coaching Sub Committee under the chairmanship of the Head Coach to deal with all matters relating to coaching and delivery of training sessions.
- The quorum required for business to be agreed at Management Committee meetings will be 5. The Management Committee may appoint Deputies to any of its officer roles as it sees fit. Any Deputy appointments will be subject to confirmation at the next Annual General Meeting.
- The Management Committee will be responsible for adopting new policy, codes of conduct and rules that effect the organisation of the club.
- The Management Committee will have the powers to appoint sub-committees as necessary to fulfil its business.
- The Management Committee will receive a summary of ‘The Club’ financial situation at each Committee meeting.
- The Management Committee will be responsible for the ratification of any decisions relating to Termination of Membership in accordance with ‘The Club’ Disciplinary Policy.
- All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club.
- The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of ‘The Club’ and will present a summary of the financial position of ‘The Club’ at each Management Committee meeting.
- An audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting. Annual accounts will be drawn up to 31 December each year and scrutinised by an appropriately qualified person as agreed by the Management Committee.
- Any cheque drawn against club funds should hold the signatures of two authorised signatories as agreed by the management committee.
Annual General Meeting
- The club will hold an Annual General Meeting in January each year .
- Notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be given by the Club Secretary, not less than 21 days’ clear notice to be given to all members by email to the last recorded email address held on club records.
- The AGM will receive a report on the clubs activities during the year from the officers of the Management Committee and a statement of audited accounts.
- Nominations for officers of the Management Committee will be sent the Club Secretary at least seven days prior to the date of the AGM. All nominations must be submitted with the agreement of the nominee and be proposed and seconded by Full Members of ‘The Club’.
- Election of officers is to take place at the AGM.
- All Members of ‘The Club’ whoare included in the clubs membership list 21 days prior to the date of the of the AGM have a single vote at the AGM. Where members have not reached the age of 12 years their vote will be exercised by one parent/guardian of the member. Only those physically present at the AGM will be eligible to vote.
- The quorum for General Meetings will be 15% of club members.
Discipline and appeals
- ‘The Club’ will maintain a Complaints and Disciplinary Policy, setting out in detail the procedures for dealing with and complaints regarding the Club and its members.
- Any complaints relating to members or events run by the club should be submitted in writing (by e-mail) to the Club Secretary as soon as possible after the incident.
- All complaints will be dealt with in accordance with ‘The Club’ Complaints and Disciplinary Policy.
- Any sanctions imposed as part of a Disciplinary Process which involve the termination of Membership shall be ratified by the Management Committee.
- A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at a General Meeting of ‘The Club’ convened in accordance with the guidelines for Annual General Meetings. A resolution to dissolve the club shall be passed by a majority vote of the members present and eligible to vote at the meeting
- In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will become the property of British Cycling, OR some club or organisation with similar objectives to those of the club as agreed by Full Members at the meeting.
Amendments to the constitution
The constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at a General Meeting.
This constitution was adopted as the constitution of ‘The Club’ at an Extraordinary/Annual General Meeting held at the National Cycling Centre on 28 September 2019