Training Session Info and Charges
Beginners (Saturday 10am to 12pm) – enable young cyclists to try out track cycling, learn some basic skills and have the opportunity to progress further.
Intermediate (Saturdays 8am to 12pm) – develop a rider’s track cycling ability, including the skills and confidence needed to race competitively and safely.
Advanced (Wednesdays 6pm to 8pm) – teach riders advanced techniques and develop fitness and stamina
Riders are welcome to use their own track bikes at ESV sessions, or to use one of the NCC Dolan bikes. The NCC bikes can only be used for Club training sessions and must not be used for competition events such as track leagues etc.
ESV also has a limited number of bikes which can be allocated to riders at Coaches’ discretion, to take part in racing events after they have completed Track Accreditation. There are no charges to club members for these bikes.
Any rider wishing to take any bike onto the track which they have not previously ridden, should speak to ESV Coaches beforehand.
Please note that the maximum gear allowed on our Monday and Saturday session is 81″ (6.45m or Youth B).
For information on track bike specification or BC gearing restrictions please see Track Bike Specifications
Please remember – track bikes are designed for velodrome use only and are not legal or safe to use on the road without the addition of a properly functioning front brake.
Session Charges
The fee for the Monday Beginner’s session is £5 and Club membership is not required for this session.
The fee for Saturday Intermediate sessions is £15 (Discounted to £13 for Manchester residents*), bike hire included. This session is open to First claim members of ESV Manchester. Before you come to this session, you must have completed the Monday beginner’s course.
The fee for Wednesday Advanced sessions is £12 (discounted to £10 for Manchester residents*). This session is open to First-Claim members of ESV Manchestero, by invitation.
* Manchester residents include any household who pay council tax to Manchester City Council.