Beginners Sessions

Our beginners’ sessions run on Saturday mornings at 10am and are for young people 10 to 16 years of age. Their aim is to enable young cyclists to try out track cycling, learn some basic skills and have the opportunity to progress further. Riders can progress from Beginner to our intermediate session (Saturdays, 8–12pm), where they can learn more skills, develop cycling fitness and begin track racing.
The beginners’ session is from 10am-12pm every Saturday, apart from days when the velodrome is closed or sessions are cancelled because of events at the velodrome.
We recommend booking four sessions to start. If the rider progresses to Saturdays without using up all four, we can apply the remaining session fees toward an intermediate session (which requires first-claim club membership). If the rider needs more Mondays to progress, then you can book a further four.
We encourage riders to move up to Intermediate sessions as soon as possible as demand for places on Beginners’ sessions can be high.
The sessions are coached by experienced and qualified track cycling coaches, and there is a maximum of 15 beginners on each session. The only other cyclists on the track will be experienced club members riding to assist the beginners.

Please come prepared for the session. Riders must wear appropriate clothing, such as close-fitting tops and tights with arms and legs fully covered. Cycling shoes are available for hire for an additional 50p; otherwise please wear trainers. Avoid eating in the two hours prior to the session, and bring plenty to drink—not fizzy drinks. Riders must be able to ride a bike before booking on to a session and should have a reasonable level of fitness as the beginners session can include cycling for up to 15 minutes continuously.
The beginners’ session is an open one for 10 to 16-year-olds, but our Saturday intermediate and Wednesday advanced sessions are club sessions, and you will need to join either Eastlands Velo or Sportcity Velo as a first-claim member to take part in them. Any 10 to 16-year-old experienced track cyclists who are interested in joining the club and riding on our track sessions will still need to complete an initial assessment at a Beginners’ session.